
Make Your App Page in the Store Even More Attractive!

Promote 5-star reviews and remove 1 and 2 star reviews from the featured section

Enter an iOS app link, select a list of Alpha-2 code separated by commas and press 'Check'

Our parser will find the featured reviews and mark in red the ones that you need to replace.

Reasons for replacement: the review has less than 4 stars, or a review has content shorter than 30 symbols.

Frequently Asked Questions

We can try to replace bad reviews with good. The algorithm is very easy: we post long good positive reviews and give 50 likes for each of them. The AppStore and Google Play see positive activity with the review and show it on the main page of app. Ask more details in chat.

All countries generally boast more than 15 000 users, many countries more than 35-50000 users. If you're worried about our limits, please contact with us via online chat, and we will tell you our volume in your target country at the moment. Ask more details in chat.

Minimum order is 10 reviews or ratings. If you are buying installs with keywords the minimum order is 100 installs. Ask more details in chat.

Generally the price is $3.5 per review. But you may get a discount of up to 20%, so the price will be $2.8 per review. Our discount policy is here: Prices for different countries the same. Ask more details in chat.

Price is the same as when our users write texts - $3.5 per review. We don't have any additional discounts in this case. Ask more details in chat.

We don't provide free reviews, but you can get a trial order for 10 reviews with -20% off. To get trial order please setup your first order here in chat (right corner). In the chat, you can apply for the discount as well. Ask more details in chat.

Ofcourse. When you setup your order you can attach an Excel file with your texts. Here is a template specifying how to prepare the file (download). If you are a registered user, please go here for more details and a description. Ask more details in chat.

Yes, we do. Right after payment you will receive an email with your invoice. Ask more details in chat.

We can post some negative reviews, but only for your own app and only a few ratings/reviews. We do not post negative ratings for other apps or for competitors. For negative posts negative you have to prove your right to the app. It may include screens from your developer console. Ask more details in chat.

It's easy, just user our tools for it: How to fix ratings for iOS How to fix ratings for Android Ask more details in chat.

Unfortunately, some provided nicknames can not be used because they already haev been taken by other users. In that case our users will use their own names. Ask more details in chat.

No, you do not attach texts. In this case our users will write their own texts. Ask more details in chat.

Make Your App Store Page Even More Attractive!

More than 9 years of excellence at work in the market

We know exactly what your application needs

Instant response

Start your campaign in 60 minutes

Guaranteed 4- and 5-star ratings

Meaningful and high-quality reviews of at least 10 words

Instant campaign launch • Personal manager • Secure payments • Contracting

Instant campaign launch • Personal manager • Secure payments • Contracting